GameStop Expo might be a tagged on event to a corporate meet-up for GameStop. A day open to the public, just as an add-on. So not the largest selection of booths, but a few thrills to get you interested in games coming soon and goodies coming to GameStop.
The highlight for us was getting our hands on the new Dead Rising 4. Frank West is back to find the truth and take selfies at the most horrible of times. Playing the short demo made us want to get our hands on the game now. We know, we should wait for Christmas, yet the candy cane launcher that made zombies erupt into fireworks will make it hard. That game will be so festive and ruin some Christmases with blood shed on the TV.
Oh selfie, we love you too much. Frank West takes selfies in games and...we're just gonna use that all the time and flood our social media with Dead Rising 4 selfies.

Same goes for Star Trek: Bridge Crew in all of it's Pre-Alpha glory. We didn't get to play. It seems many of the exhibitors of GameStop Expo don't know about current technology. Technology called signs. You can mark whiteboard signs in maker to indicate when a booth is open or closed. Star Trek: Bridge Crew does not have this technology.
From the real time video it looks like a Cronenberg nightmare of looking at your hands and realizing your body is dead and your mind is trapped in a low-rez computer body. Star Trek: Bridge Crew, that's all we have on it, because we didn't get to play it.
As some booths featured signs like Atlus/Sega, we praised them for there free posters with rubber bands, free super sexy Persona 5 bags and multiple demo stations.
Vendors had some fun goodies, there was the new Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition
on display at the Think Geek booth with the Star Trek Communicator. The staff let us try it on and then barely listened to us when we asked questions. Get the details from the above link, because we just played with it, tried to figure it out.
I'm not sure what it does and fairly sure it's not a touch screen. Everything else about it rules. I own the first model and it's nothing compared to this new model. It fits easily. However, the stand does not connect very well and we had trouble both putting it in and taking it out. If you love Fallout, it's the best toy to get for it. Pre-order for Christmas $350.
GameStop Expo might need to work on fan integration, if you have some free time and work or live nearby it's a worth event to spend a weekday in. "Yeah boss, I'm sick, can't come in this Wednesday."