Monday, January 25, 2016

Proposed VR Arcade Heading To LA?

Remember the Winter VRLA Expo we posted on last week? Well it had the announcement of a proposed virtual reality arcade in LA. And, if you can believe it, it's suppose to come out this year around Spring. Project StarCade, as it to be titled will be coming from Starbreeze, which sets itself as an entertainment studio. It may be known mostly for creating the PayDay game series.

Now I find this very hard to believe as I've gone to a few gaming conventions and summits where I've heard no matter the location in the US it would not be economically feasible for a VR business to stay open.

Though it was announced of having an arcade in LA no location and other details were left blank with more info to come in the future. I don't like sketchy details like that. But it begs a good questions of where would it be located.

The other question would be on content. Other than a few games VR lacks really any well known series or content. As reported at the last VR expo, the industry is so knew that there's not many games to play or for that long.

Once we have more details, and a clearer idea of the place we can go along with the idea of it.
If there is a virtual reality arcade in LA, TTDILA will be there to cover it.