Monday, February 4, 2019

Velvet Buzzsaw: LAMA Instead of LACMA

The Colburn School

The recently released Velvet Buzzsaw is dumb a horror film. It is however set in LA and we loved the little homage to LACMA. Or as it's seen in the film as LAMA. We're not sure of the rename, if it was legal or just for fun. The Broad is seen in the film, but for whatever reason we have LAMA instead of LACMA. Maybe, they should lose the C and we could have a cool mascot for one of our art museums?

Adding to the joke, LAMA is actually at The Colburn School right next to the MOCA.

With lines like, "I'm not just a man of primitive skills," it was hard to ever be scared at this ridiculous look at the modern art world. It was a treat to see LAMA.

Stop trying Dan Gilroy, you've done enough with doing the film Nightcrawler.

Velvet Buzzsaw is currently in theaters and up on Netflix