Thursday, January 4, 2018

Luggage Labels For LA

We have to give credit to LA Mag's Dec 2017 cover and the work of Daniel Pelavin. We love his luggage lables for LA. They're quite nice and a little eye-catching. We are all about exploring the city or really cities that combine to create the megalopolis that is LA.

We've seen it demonstrated before with stamps at IndieCade and on multiple Go Little Tokyo excursions, even a really old memory of going to Disneyland and collecting stamps for Disney Afternoon, but having a passport book and visiting booths or places within two blocks adds a little thrill to traveling about.

So maybe collecting LA labels around town wouldn't be so bad, maybe you'd get them on a big reusable bag that can actually handle stickers or an LA passport book.

Just a fun idea to explore the city. Hey, people explored with Pokemon Go and didn't get a nice memento of all the places they went. Just saying.