Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm still getting around to interviews

I got my butt down to Amandan Visell's Primeval Love show last Friday. It was a unbelevialably fun show. I hadn't been to the Natural History Museum in years. It was a "damn thats cool moment" opening the doors and seeing a t-rex skeleton about to chomp down on a triceratops skeleton.

The skeleton's were a great centerpiece for some art that is just relaxing and heavily softcore lesbian. Funny how people brought their kids to the show.

One little boy was very lucky to see this live model piece based on one of Amanda's other paintings.

One janitor just stayed creepily around this area even though he wasn't need.

There was brass band blowing their horns and setting a great mood. The event was also catered by the pho truck. The only thing I got to nibble on was a great chocolate banana desert. The event was a huge success and you have to wonder what Amanda Visell had to pull to get to use the Natural History Museum.

Here's some more pics fro the show

I also attended the Upright Citizens Arcade, all I can say is if you didn't go you shouldn't have bothered being born. It was a video gamers comedy dream. Nathan Barnatt's Kieth Apicary character maybe a little childish and flat, but he just won me over with his Three Stooges level of slapstick. If there's another Upright Citizens Arcade go, it's a must for any gamer.

Yatterman blew me away with boob missles. The camp from this one-night showing mecha fighter, super-hero movie could warp space and time as the movie did. You know somethings wrong when Tuesdays been stolen. Yes the entire was ripped right off the calendar. I recommend renting Yaterman if you get the chance. Director Takashi Miike finally used his talents of making things extremely odd and vulgar in favor of him. I wasn't joking about boob missiles by the way.