Friday, December 22, 2017

Watch: The Hawkins Family Yule Log & Mega64 Chrsitmascast 2017

If you want your Yule Log in the background of your party or get-together to have some horror themed mirth, look no further than the extremely slow-to burn story of The Hawkins Family Yule Log. This Christmas will forever be changed as the Hawkins family is guarding dark secrets that seem to keep getting bigger and bigger at the fire burns ever so slowly. A great little piece to be playing in the background to see if your friends will notice. It is rated R as it's not family friendly at all towards the end.

The other video to watch in bizarre glee shares the annual "horrible" Christmas episode for the Mega64 crew, mainly known for video game skits. Their annual Christmas podcast episode has nothing to do with video games, but they are playing a game, an eating contest. If you think things will ramp up and get really disgusting...then you're right.