Thursday, February 23, 2017

Nintendo Switch in Unexpected Places

 What's that there in the distance?
Wait a second...

Is that the Nintendo Switch?

Earlier this morning, we got to try our hands on the Nintendo Switch in a very unexpected place, the mountains in Santa Clarita. Not that far from the iconic Vasquez Rocks, a group of Nintendo fans were introduced to the system in a beautiful, breathtaking place by John Cena?
Yes, John Cena from the WWE was on hand to show off the Nintendo Switch. He showed us 1-2-Switch and inside the Nintendo Switch mini-den we tried Zelda: Breath of The Wild. John was friendly enough to play a game of 1-2-Switch with our group before he was scuttled away for other interviews.

1-2-Switch does seems to be more fun than we gave it credit for, because pretending to shoot your friend in a gun fight is just something we all need.

The fun thing with the Nintendo Switch mini den, other then those fetching Piranha Plant topiaries out front, was that you could make the building transparent when the Switch was taken out of it's port inside.
*Nintendo please sell those topiaries at home depot.

*We loved the wallpaper on the TV sided wall, another thing Nintendo should release.

The experience was Nintendo telling us you can play the Switch anywhere, but for our take away, Nintendo needs to design modern arcade lounges to hang out in, like karaoke parlors. I would pay for that premium and Nintendo-themed drink cocktails.

The Switch is out March 3rd and if you want to try it for yourself don't forget about the free open public Switch event on

When: Sunday, March 5, 2017

Time: 10 a.m. PT (doors open)
Location: Raleigh Studios, 5300 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038