Tuesday, February 21, 2017

CALEXIT Sci-Fi Californai Leaving The Country Comic

Just because we love comics over here at TTDILA and that many feature LA, let us never forget the run of Punisher in LA via Natahan Edmonson, this one hits home again with the idea of California succeeding from the Union. Which is completely ludicrous. Coming this May, CALEXIT has California leaving the good ol' U.S.A. following a band of rebels from a tyrannical new President. Jeez, the subtly.

You can read the full synopsis here

In CALEXIT, the citizens of California will struggle to seize power back from an autocratic government. The ongoing series tells the story of Jamil, a 25-year old courier (aka smuggler), and Zora, a 27-year old leader in the Pacific Coast Sister Cities Resistance, who escape together from a prison camp in Occupied Los Angeles, where martial law has been in place for the past year  ever since America’s demagogue President signed an executive order to deport all immigrants, and California responded by proclaiming itself a Sanctuary State. Each issue of CALEXIT will also include non-fiction material about local sustainability and grassroots campaigning for 2018 elections.
The comics due out in May and we don't know how good a read it will be, but it has some decent cover art.

This isn't the first time California has left the United States, it's a common topic of sci-fi. The earliest we can remember or one of the most fun takes on California leaving comes from Wired. It was how fast California could be taken back in with military force with the entire rest of the nation against us. We lasted a few minutes.