Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things To Do In LA's first contest

Hey Things To Do In LA readers!

I've even been looking for a new place to rest my butt , thank goodness they have a sofas section. Who has a sofas section you ask? CSN does. Thanks to the good folks at , guess what? You have the chance to win a Megatech Mega Blimp Combo. CSN they have over 200 stores online to buy items from including

To win this this prize so you can finally see a blimp and a flying saucer fight to the death you've got to send me a story. A story about a place in LA or a continuing event in LA. It however can't be about a place/event I already wrote about it. Use search on the site first to make sure I haven't blogged about it already. I want pictures and I want to know why I should care. You be the writer, I'll be the critic.

It can be about a art gallery, a park, a concert series, art festival, film festival, whatever it just has to happen in LA.

You've got to be a resident of the continuous United States for it to ship. The contest ends June 9th.
E-mail all entries to [email protected]
Provide your name number and address so I can send you the prize.

Your article will then be put up on the blog for the world to see and becomes my property as do all entries.

So start writing and win this blimp and ufo combo!