Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Power Morphicon in Anaheim Aug 17-19

After many years at the Pasadena Convention Center, Power Morphicon, the Power Rangers fan convention, has jumped over to the  Anaheim Convnetion Center. * Strangely, so did DesignerCon.

This year's Morphicon will once again be all things Power Rangers with huge range of former ranger guests and panels about your favorite teens with attitude. Check out the awful official site for details.

Though the venue might be updated, the geocities-like, AOL days web-site for Power Morphicon is still being used. We hate that web-site, we've even brought it up to the creator of the con that it's hard to navigate it. He didn't take this kindly and like knowing when intervieing a mudererer in prison or talking to our friend John, that acts like a baby,  this guy got fussy and let it go.

...Until now where we bring up passive aggressively... anyway have fun looking though the site for stuff to do there.

Power Morphicon 
August 17th-19th, 2018
Anaheim Convention Center 
$tarts at $20