Thursday, August 30, 2018

Adventure Time Time: Art Shows

Our favorite outing for Adventure Time have to be the art shows at Gallery Nucleus. They are by far the best event to meet the cast and crew this side of Comic-Con.

As we look back at our coverage of Adventure Time, we'll be sharing past posts and videos of all things Adventure Time till the end on September 3rd.

The video above shows not only Pen Ward creator of the show, but cast and crew talking about the show back in 2011. So it had only been out for about a year and a few months at that point. Shows at Nucleus were magical as you could not only get art from the actual animators of the show, but amazing fan art. It's blown me away every time they've had a show for Adventure Time. Here's the second show that took place a year later, Oootopia: An Artgebraic Tribute to Adventure Time Fans.
Later the show switched galleries with focus from other artists. Here we are at Gallery 1988's Adventure Time art shows.
Check out art from that show here Adventure Time On Melrose: Adventure Time x Gallery 1988