Thursday, January 21, 2021

Wired Magazine Used To Shill A Novel doesn't seem to care about it's print companion as it has varied news stories of interest up online, right now. Sadly, the latest print issue for Wired Magazine's Feb 2021 issue is just part of a book about World War III. No analysis, no articles, no diagrams from its reporters breaking down the novel. It's compromised just of a scenario of the next world war and we're not gonna name it, because Wired gave it all the press it needs.
We're not sure if it's because its editor, Nicholas Thompson, is going to become chief executive of The Atlantic next month and is leaving Wired or Wired just needed the cashola. 

It's just pathetic.

The only thing we can kind of compare it to is when Wizard Magazine was failing, so it sold its cover as ad space.

Either the magazine side of Wired is going the way of the Dodo or someone just got a lot of money for previewing a novel.