Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Jerry Maguire Video Store Jan 13-29

Well...guess I'm not getting any cool video game themed shows as iam8bit "finds itself" in the next year. Everything is Terrible and iam8bit are teaming up for a Jerry Maguire Video Store this January. Even after going to public school in the 90's and early 2000's I was never forced to watch it and so it bares no meaning to me whatsoever.

The concept is an old fashioned video store will pop-up at iam8bit, only have the film Jerry Maguire and sometimes have some fun events throughout its run. Get tickets for those events and scope them out here.

The end game is for you to donate your copy of Jerry for an art piece of a pyramid of VHS tapes somewhere in the desert. Frankly, it sounds more of a dumb idea from the makers of The Kid Gets Out of the Picture, the latest installation from Materials & Architecture.

Is this a terrible idea? Yes. Is it just plain silly? Yup. Does it hurt anyone? Anyone with taste.

So if you want this, whatever this is, take it.

The Jerry Maguire Video Store 
Jan 13-29
Free, with priced ticketed events

*We love all these organizations...sigh, just not this concept, it really is terrible.