Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Soda Tasting 2 Announced No Word On Donut Summit

The Second Annual Summer Soda Tasting is scheduled for July 22 at no other place, but Galco's.

If you didn't head to last years, then my god, what was the point of your last summer? Check it out here. If you don't know Donut Summit, for shame, but it looks like it'll be a week after the soda tasting if all goes per usual.

Here's what soda are in for the event right now, with possibly more added. Plus, a new soda flavor from Galco's White Rose Line
·       Old Dominion Root Beer (based on a historical recipe from the Library of Congress)
·       Mr. Q Cumber (soda of the year winner and first distributed at Galco’s)
·       Sweet Blossom line of floral sodas: rose, lavender, elderflower and jasmine
·       Ginger soda by Bruce Cost: fresh ginger, jasmine green tea and pomegranate
·       French sodas from Rieme (company has been producing sodas since 1921)
·       Volcanic Mineral Refresher (better for athletes than Gatorade; also helps hangovers/headaches)
Dublin Bottling Works New Line

In attendance again will be the master of pop, Charles Phoenix who will be at mixing and serving two new "Poptails" and his latest Test Kitchen creation, a Seven-Layer Soda Pop Rock Cake, made with sodas and candies found on Galco’s shelves.

Galco’s Summer Soda Tasting 2” 5-8 p.m. Sunday, July 22, 2012. Galco’s Soda Pop Stop, 5702 York Boulevard, LA CA 90042

Tickets for the Summer Soda Tasting are $12 in advance, $15 the day of the event and will be available for purchase at Galco’s or online via the Friends of the Southwest Museum ,

I'll update you on more of the event and remind you when it's happening.