Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Royal/T Moving or Dead?

Ouch, how bad is Royal/ T hurting to have to move after five years? The place was specifically built for Royal/T and to lose it after only five years? The structure was really built to house Royal/T. I went to some architecture talks where the architect who built it explained his work. It kind of loses its identity with out it's building, so I don't really get it's plans to move around America in the promo below. There's no news quite yet where it's moving, but there out by August. After hundreds of different events it's terrible to see them close down. I've gone on multiple occasions, like a Tron Legacy Event and art shows and just showing friends. One time a waitress was very tsundre and we all laughed at one of my friends who looked like an idiot, because of our maid waitress. Good times.

Here's some of the last events at the place. Isn't it weird it's going under, but Meltdown is growing with it's shitty backstage gallery area? I mean I love all the content back there, but it's an awful venue to see anything. The beams get in your way and it's not air conditioned. Is there no cheap playhouse nearby? There actually are some, I know of one on Santa Monica...anyway here's two of the last events at the Royal/T.

TUNE IN TOKYO : Grand Finale Event

June 15, 2012 8:00 pm