Wednesday, October 7, 2020

AFI Fest 2020 Full Line-Up & Tickets Today


The Full Line-Up from AFI FEST is up now and tickets go on sale today.

Update: Here's the guide with more info on all the films.

We're interested in

Update: Perfect for October is  



Twelve-year-old Bobby and his best friend Kevin have been kidnapped. Bobby is stuffed in a trunk to suffocate, and Kevin is who knows where. Proving ever-resourceful, Bobby escapes and breaks into the house where he thinks Kevin has been locked up. Dodging danger at every corner and hiding in the shadows, Bobby searches for his friend – and also for answers.

Lonnie Chavis (Bobby) and Ezra Dewey (Kevin) boldly carry the film and deliver impressive performances, and directors/writers David Charbonier and Justin Powell cunningly assemble a thriller that upends tropes and expectations and, yes, has you on the edge of your seat. –Eric Moore

Masao Mikami (Koji Yakusho) is released from prison and struggles to find his place in today’s everchanging Japan. Veteran director Miwa Nishikawa’s drama is a heartfelt exploration of redemption. DIR Miwa Nishikawa. SCR Miwa Nishikawa. CAST Koji Yakusho, Taiga Nakano, Masami Nagasawa. Japan

A would-be relaxing holiday for voice actor Inés (Érica Rivas) is cut short by an unexpected horror. As she readjusts to her former routine, her sense of reality becomes increasingly precarious. DIR Natalia Meta. SCR Natalia Meta. CAST Érica Rivas, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Cecilia Roth, Daniel Hendler. Argentina, México


JUMBO tells the story of Jeanne who falls in love with a carnival ride. Director Zoé Wittock delivers a compassionate and heartfelt retelling of this quirky inspired-by-a-true-story tale. DIR Zoé Wittock. SCR Zoé Wittock. CAST Noémie Merlant, Emmanuelle Bercot, Sam Louwyck. France, Belgium, Luxembourg

 * I can't believe we're getting this super weird one from France, but only the French could do it.