Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What We Found On The Net Today: Mona Lisa Mini, Adam & Spelunky 2


$12.50 each + shipping
Dang these are great looking desk toys.
ZCWO are happy to collaborate with Museum Leonardo3, launching an official MonaLisa mini figures. This is a new blindbox series, capturing a funny moment in modern life.


 Adam's back and as crazy as ever.

I don't know much about this, but it looks like fun.

Spelunky 2 is finally out this month. PS4 gets it on the 15th and Steam gets it on the 29th. Sadly, no news on Derek Yu's other game with other game makers, UFO 50. UFO 50 was due back in 2018.



Double Kick Heroes, a metal rhythm game is out on Steam and coming to Switch.