Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Thanks Obama, Milk Tavern Is Dead

One of our favorite hangouts to enjoy a cold glass of milk and a bowl of Frosted Flakes is no more. We just called up to see why Yelp is reporting Milk Tavern as closed, because it is. The cereal bar, infused with liquor ice cream seller and birthplace of the Cotton Candy Ice Cream Burrito has folded. No details as to why, but it's been gone for at least two weeks already, as of 8/7/2019.

We'll miss one of the most fun places to get a nice treat a chill with friends. We even had my birthday there, (I'm the Editor), and we had it in the secret karaoke room!

The place has the same owners, but have changed it to a gastropub named Tipsi. And no, they don't serve any cereal or anything from its previous incarnation. Lame.

Good-Bye, Milk Tavern you were one of the bests LA had.