Tuesday, June 18, 2019

NSFW Mermaid Sisters Song From Carole & Tuesday

 Check out this little number from The Mermaid Sisters, it's quite a lot of cursing. Not sure how long it'll be up. It's from the currently, only airing on Netflix Japan, Carole & Tuesday. Carole & Tuesday is from the creator of Cowboy Bebop.

We posted on it a little while back. It's one of our new favorites of the season. More than likely it'll actually come out to the West on Netflix, but it would so fit as a great addition on Toonami.

The main plot is two girls want to make it in the music biz on Mars. The Mermaid Sisters come in as competition on a Mars Got Talent sort of show. They don't do so well.

As of right now, nothing except one panel even mentions Carol & Tuesday for AX this year, which is a shame.