Friday, April 5, 2019

Nick Metropolis Might Be Saying Good-Bye

 Do you need some giant letters? How about an arm and a leg? Something you might have seen in a TV show or movie? Then head to Nick Metropolis. This junkyard of Hollywood has been delighting tourists and locals for a long time.

Ever wonder what happens to stuff after being in a music video or a promotional sign for an upcoming movie? It all ends up at Metropolis. A sea of signs, stuff you might have spotted months ago around LA or just some oddity from the background of your favorite show. It all ends up here to be reused by indie filmmakers, artists or just collectors.

You'll be searching through the place for whatever weird stuff you make like, but that might be for a limited time. Nick Metropolis, like many stores and businesses around LA is being priced out. They've been trying to raise funds since 2017 for back rent, it's 50k and it doesn't look like it's gonna be saved by the May deadline. Because of this, they're trying to get the word out and having huge sales with stuff 25%-50% off.

It's a shame. We've lost a lot of good places to price hikes and a piece of LA and its community. Meltdown's dead and with Metropolis maybe on the way out, it makes visiting LA a little less special.

Head there if you've never been or want to help out by buying something strange for your home or office.

Nick Metropolis
100 South La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036