Friday, April 5, 2019

Criterion Channel Comes April 8

Just as we're about to have the TCM Classic Film Festival next week April 11-14, we get the Criterion Channel on Monday, April 8th. Now this is a big deal for film lovers, because Criterion is known for both quality and for getting out hard-to-find films. Since this will be a streaming channel, it means access to a huge amount of films with extra features that you would normally have to spend lots of money on, if you could even find them.

The streaming library launches with over a 1,000 films and will have what seems to be a rotating selection that changes from all the major studios, cept' for Disney. The main library of Janus/Criterion will always be available to subscribers. Those from the rotating selection will be there for at least 3 months.

"Charter subscribers pay $9.99 per month or $89.99 annually for as long as you stay active, instead of $10.99 per month or $99.99 annually for subscribers who sign up after April 8. Your official 30-day free trial will not begin until April 8, and your card will not be charged until your free trial is over."

There's a deal right now on early adopters:

"Subscribers who sign up by April 7 will enjoy an extended, 30-day free trial (starting April 8), reduced fees for as long as they remain subscribed, and immediate access to a new pre-launch, members-only Movie of the Week every Wednesday between now and the April 8 launch. "