Monday, February 22, 2016

Recreating Drive Weekend

Ryan and me
Over the weekend some of the Things To Do In LA staff and friends recreated the drive of the 2011 LA classic from director Nicolas Winding Refn, Drive. Starring the likes of of Ryan Gosling as the nameless driver with a supporting cast of Bryan Cranston, Carey Mulligan and Ron Pearlman with a soundtrack featuring the techno-pop of Kavinsky came a beautiful dark look of the city. Though, I would love to argue how the director added New York sensibilities to LA, the film still takes you on a trip throughout the city you won't forget with some of the best locations to stare at as they zip by.

We've only just begun started editing our version, but hope to have it to you in the next couple of weeks as a tribute to the film and to the exploration of the city.

What we learned on the drive was that LA has so much hidden to it that some times you just need to explore it. One second we were passing a location on the 5 freeway we have passed a million times and we were seeing from a whole other vantage point we didn't know existed. 

A full break down of locations with experiences while filming is to come after we finishing editing our exploits for you.

To really get in on it, we hope you watch Drive. Available to rent on Amazon for $2.99.  DVD and Blu-ray editions are under $10 to get.

Oh, and if you haven't guessed it our version will be ridiculous.