Monday, February 22, 2016

Real Zero Escape: Trust on Trial Los Angeles

Based on the video game series "Real Zero Escape," comes an escape room set for LA's own Little Tokyo. The series concept of escape isn't too different than the many escape rooms that have been popping up in LA in recent years. The series might be well known by locals for the watches they sell based on the game series 2nd game "Virtue's Last Reward," for those who visit Anime Expo and other LA events where they're available frequently. The watches have an iconic look and within the game give you a count down of how long you have to escape.

With very little details as of writing this it's hard to say if you'll be sporting one of those watches for the escape room version of the game set to run on April 15th. We're warning you about it now as tickets go on sale this Monday, Feb 29. If it's running for one day, it might sell out.

The game series itself is very much like solving a murder mystery of whodunit. Usually trapped with nine others you have to figure out how to escape or die.
watch from game series

It's not surprising that the event would take place in Little Tokyo which many cosplayers-costumes based on TV shows, movies, games, etc.- like strolling through on weekends and stores carry merchandise based on popular games and anime series from Japan.

The next game in the series "Zero Time Dilemma," for 3DS is suppose to come out later this year.

To get tickets