Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Microsoft's Petty Attack on Nintendo at LA Live

In a few days, gamers will be heading to the Microsoft Theater at LA Live to see people play the Nintendo Championships. Two things could be going on. Either Microsoft is so fat and vast it didn't think its name change of the venue days before the event would matter and they just didn't care. Or. They wanted to attack Nintendo in a very petty and childish manner. I'm gonna go with the second.

In less than a week Nintendo will take over what once was the Nokia Theater at LA Live with it's name everywhere as a huge promotion of the company itself. Now Microsoft's name will be above Nintendo's as it hold the rights for the name of the venue until the end of 2015. Microsoft's name going up just in time for E3 makes sense, but waiting for the next day after the event, as that is all it takes to put up new letters, would have shown some class.

Now as I cover the Nintendo Championships, Microsoft will be above me and I'll think, they were so lazy, they didn't put in a store here.

The Microsoft name fits with LA Live as the area was designed to be ugly, hard to find and not easy for anyone to access. You would be surprised by how many can't find the movie theater.