Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Microsoft Square, No Square Enix Isn't Owned By Microsoft

In some name-changing news, Microsoft changed the name of the empty area of LA Live to Microsoft Square, previously called Nokia plaza or by locals LA Live. It's somewhat comical along the lines of the Target ads on the side of LA Live with no Target at LA Live. That and the fact that no one ever referred to it as Nokia Plaza. Both companies have no stores or business at the venue of over-priced restaurants and the still horrendous design of the area putting the theater out of view from guests and easy access to restaurants on the other side of buildings a long walk.

Nokia Theatre is now the Microsoft Theatre. For the gaming community this is considered a huge insult by Microsoft to Nintendo which will be hosting the Nintendo Championships this Sunday at that very venue.

For this writer, the name change still doesn't help those trying to differentiate between the former Nokia Theatre and Club, leading many on a wild good chase.