Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Axe Cop at Comic-Con 2013

 Axe Cop love was in full force at Comic-Con this year with an outside ADHD area giving fans a free screening of Axe Cop and Axe Cop figurines, not pre-made in the slightest.

 Mezco has a signing by Axe Cop creators Ethan Nicolle ans his younger brother Malachi.
 You could see the Axe Cop balloon, not the far in the air as it was tethered very close to the ground, but still it was a giant Axe Cop balloon that might have looked better higher in the air or maybe with Axe Cop's arm outstretched with his trusty axe.

 Here we have Nick Weidenfeld showing of Axe Cop at the outside premiere, the episdoe the auidnce saw featured evil robot duplicates, a poop cannon and magic flying cops.
 Here's the huge line of Mezco Axe Cop figures and plushies due later this year and 2014.