Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tim Burton Exhibit Part 2

LACMA's blog unframed posted a great little video with Tim Burton's art teacher

catch Burton today May 28th at noon at LACMA for his signing

Let's start with clowns, the most hated of creatures. Colorful and creepy they capture a perfect balance of childhood and freaks.

 Check out his early sketches of what Braniac could have looked like for his adaption of Superman.

 Be sure to pick up a audio guide it has detailed information on all the exhibit and really helps explain the back story ,it's really just a iPod

For vinyl toys fans , Tim Burton would be welcomed if he just stayed in that medium. He should really consider to makes some special edtions vinyls.
 One great feature is the black light room, here's a nice background for your computer

Here's what it looks like with flash

Part 1, Part 3 has the movie props