Monday, June 5, 2023

PAX West & Nintendo Live Sept, Not Here

Summer Game Fest-still hate the name- might be this week, but later this Summer we have PAX West and Nintendo Live. Jonathan are these happening in LA? No, you got me, their in Seattle, but still wanted to inform you about the two biggest gaming events on the West Coast, so excuse me!

So, what's PAX West? Here's what they say on their own site.

"PAX West is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought-provoking panels, a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and studios, new game demos, musical performances, tournaments, and a community experience unlike any other."

It's a video game convention, done extremely well, showing off the latest games, with many hands-on demos to play. We've had conventions with bits and pieces and RIP E3, but nothing quite like it, where gaming for the audience comes first. I've read nothing but praise for this event. Very much unlike the screw-ups like our other conventions have.

Check out all the features, they have, which is quite a bit.

PAX West takes place Sept 1- 4 at the Seattle Convention Center.

Now, Nintendo Live is brand new and a bit weird, in that it's free.

Nintendo Live is taking place at the same time at as PAX West, just in a different part of the Seattle Convention Center.

However, they are separate events!

Nintendo Live is like PAX West, but only sharing Nintendo content, maybe... some indie games will be shown, but it doesn't say that anywhere. Live games, tournaments, musical stage shows and photo-ops for all things Nintendo are taking place there.

It's all free, but you have to register and win a raffle for your ticket in. So, it is a free event, but you have to get lucky to get in. Nintendo goes through how to get ticket/s here in more detail, good luck! 

I'm shortening it, it does seems like something we would want here in LA.

So, we get the theme park here in LA, but they get the game festival? There's a Hilton near Universal, c'mon!