Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Hype: Creep 2021, Inscryption, Fortnite Halloween & Dirty Pair Dub

Just some different things to share.

We're probably not going make it to this year's Creep LA, but from the review over at No Proscenium it looks tight.
"The three distinct sections of Creep 2021 — the bar, the town and the haunted maze — are carefully layered on each other to slowly build dread and excitement as you get ready to enter Hollow House and then fall prey to the murderous manor."

Inscryption is out Oct 19, but you can play the demo now on Steam. We've been waiting for this creepy card game from Daniel Mullins, maker of the not-what-it-seems Pony Island. And this weird "card dealer" is a great new nightmare to keep you up at night. From a demo called Sacrifices Must Be Made, you've got to sacrifice your animal cards to get stronger cards in your hand to play.

Fortnite Halloween is happening...with Universal? Instead of getting Micheal Myers with his new Halloween Kills film coming out, Fortnite is getting the Universal Monsters in the game for purchase as skins. Here's more details.




Right Stuf, Nozomi Ent. Launch Kickstarter for Dirty Pair Anime's English Dub

Kind of amazed they're going out of there way to re-dub this older anime. But, it's already been funded as of writing this. And they are sexy sort-of space cops.

Get in on the Kickstarter