Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Hype: E3 Virtual Convention In Question, Cat People & Dogs Are Real Shows? WB Studio Tour & Mega64 Christmascast 2020 Redemption Challenge

PC Gamer tells us that the E3 site that the ESA 
created, basically sucks.

 "It's a deeply confusing way to express a system that doesn't justify its existence to begin with. Walker follows that up with a jab at some completely baffling UI sensibilities, a trend that carries over the entire site. At best, the E3 portal could be a handy list of publisher's sites and streams—but you'd never find them under all this jank."
Mega 64 put out its horrible, but fun to watch, eating competition Christmas episode. They were delayed by Covid. This is done with so little regard and care, yet, is a fun waste of time to watch. Check out Mega64 Christmascast 2020 Redemption Challenge above.

We thought this was a prank from Netflix pr, because these shows seem like YouTube shows, but apparently they're real and coming out in July.

-We really haven't gone since Halloween 2018, but it looks like they've added a bit to the regular tour. Here's what they mentioned in the press release:

New and Expanded Features Include:

● The “Storytelling Showcase,” where guests can explore the evolution of Warner Bros.’ nearly 100-year history;

● “Action and Magic Made Here,” the new grand finale experience featuring the DC Universe and Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts series; 

● An expansive new Warner Bros Studio Store, which will be open to the public without a Studio Tour ticket purchase;

Upon reopening, the Studio Tour will be open on weekends, from June 26 through July 11, with the Tour also being open on July 5. From July 15, the Studio Tour will operate 5 days a week and remain closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tours will depart from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM with departures every 30 minutes. Tickets are available online for $69 for adults (ages 11 and up) and $59 for children ages 5 to 10 at (advanced reservations will be required). Additionally, Southern California residents are eligible for a special rate of $57 on weekdays only, through September 30, 2021.
Universal Studios is looking for workers.
Go here to apply, they had 2,000 open positions at the start of June.