Sunday, December 13, 2020

Phantasy Arcade Gallery Online

Cubicle Kombat by Michael Bear

Ahhhaaahh, oh, jeez, I'm filled with delight over these. Nucleus has made a real special show here. Phantasy Arcade, their latest exhibit, had some of their best artists creating fictional arcade machines and the results are just perfect. I want these games to be real, but for now they can just be fake mini arcade machines in my house.

Each of these tiny arcade machines will set you back $280 + an optional $20 for a mini Bluetooth speaker to pipe tunes from. I can't find it yet, but there's suppose to be cheaper $20 cardboard print outs of all the arcade units.

Pure Trance by Junko Mizuno

This Battle of Midway by Brandon Bird one making fun of Wings, which I remember growing up on reruns on USA Network is hilarious, thought I'm marking points down for not putting the entire cast on the unit.

I'd take some time and check each of these arcade machines out. Check out the gallery of them here.

Ultra Melon Arcade