Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Anime Architecture Book Review: Worlds Are Built


We'll, you need this for your coffee table or in the background of your Zoom call.
Currently sold out as of writing this 

Back in October, I was lucky enough to get a copy of Anime Architecture for review , but it's such a popular item it's out of stock. I wonder if they'll have to do a 2nd print run, but, maybe, it's just hard right now to get more copies? Who knows?

I told you to grab it in the gift guide, back in November and now, sadly, it looks like it's too late. And you missed out, because this classy looking book does an in-depth dive in to the architecture of some of the most popular anime movies. We step into the production designs of a lot of classics like Akira and Patalabor and almost two decades old already Evangelion 1.0. What we get is all the work and time it takes to build the cities in those films. These animes capture are attention so much, because of all the intricate work that goes into them and this book shows us.

It's one of those books you just want to read when you have the day off or can come back to when you have free time. Take a long look at the art and wonder why so many Japanese animators have a fetish for cities that look like their ghettos or need to be gentrified. Because a lot of these cities look like crumbling infrastructure made into a place people are forced to live.

You don't look at the giant robots or the character design here. You look at the meticulous undertaking of building a city, making real places that sprawls back into your mind when your thinking about visiting Tokyo, fighting giant monsters or just where fights unfold in video games.

Of course, I wanted more entry's, but there can always can be a volume II. There's so many iconic cities from anime and this book only captured a few.
For as thick as it is, it feels short, because there's just so many iconic anime cities to visit and you just a glimpse of what's holding them up.

Grab it if you want to make it seem like anime is for adults.