Thursday, November 5, 2020

Put That On My Coffee Table: Accidentally Wes Anderson


By Jonathan Bilski
When I first saw this on Awesomer site, I thought it was a gag gift or something phony to entice me to check out someone's Photoshop skills. It wasn't, it was a well-sized compendium on places that look like they took place in a Wes Anderson movie. However, these places are real (or at least were real) and of course are now on a map to visit some day. 

As of writing this $28.49
currently a 1 to 2 month wait

Accidentally Wes Anderson started as Wally Koval's personal travel bucket list. Then, it became a group on Instagram and a few years later it's a lovely book you can purchase and leave out to make your friends jealous. I know a friend whose birthday is coming up that loves Wes Anderson. I'm going to show her this book and she'll be very sad she doesn't own it. Don't worry, I still got her a card and something related to rabbits and the anime Sailor Moon, which is funny because in Japanese the main girls name is not Serena, but actually Usagi which means rabbit. Still, getting back on topic, it's gonna hurt seeing me with this book.

Why? Maybe, she could have been a better friend and gotten me something for my birthday. Oh, the book, that's what you meant. It's page after page of lovely looking places that pop-out at you that will make you want to watch a Wes Anderson film or just visit what you see in person. 
The book is really something to sift through as things catch your eye. Lovely colorful hotels, hidden hideaways and just that vibe of the 1960's. The book is almost divided by continent, so you can whip around the world starting in the US of A and end in Antarctica. It's still random, so don't expect everything in California next to each other.
I myself did not find the info on each place all together that fascinating, random tidbits lacked an actual visit. You can learn the history on a location, or something or other about a place, but if it so intrigues, there's no doubt you'll look online to find out more info. Really, it's that someone cataloged a collection of places to visit that scream iconic.
If you're asking my favorite spot, there's just too many.
Some places contained within might not be that far from where you live and make you ponder on just making it out there to visit them. Maybe, you should.

You will probably go from cover to cover in one sitting if left alone. You'll mark places you want to visit on your second tread or look them up on your phone. And when your friend finally comes to visit you, she'll probably say, "Why didn't you get this for me for my birthday?"

 Book provided by publisher for review purposes