Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Weekly What To Do: 4k Spanish Film Restorations, Whedon Love & A Horror Film

Not much on this list, but there's plenty on our Halloween 2020: LA Guide To Everything Halloween

If you want even more things to do check it out.

Thu, October 22, 2020
7:30 PM – 11:59 PM
Mission Tiki Drive-In Theatre
10798 Ramona Ave. Montclair, CA 91763 

4K Restoration! THE DAY OF THE BEAST (EL DÍA DE LA BESTIA), 1995, 99 min, Spain/Italy, Dir: Álex de la Iglesia. Two-thousand years after the birth of Christ, the Anti-Christ is about to be born - unless Father Ángel Berriartúa (Álex Angulo) can stop it. The Basque priest believes he can prevent the apocalypse by infiltrating the ranks of the devil, though that will require him to trade in his pious life for one of non-stop sin. 
4K Restoration! PERDITA DURANGO (DANCE WITH THE DEVIL), 1997, 129 min, Mexico/Spain, Dir: Álex de la Iglesia. Álex de la Iglesia's first English-language feature stars Rosie Perez as Perdita Durango, whose trip to Mexico is sidelined by all-purpose felon Romeo Dolorosa (Javier Bardem). Perdita's new beau traffics human fetuses to Las Vegas where they're turned into cosmetics; naturally they need a couple of human sacrifices to do the job right.

Boo! We kick off two back-to-back weeks of Halloween themed versions of Two Bit Circus REMOTE! This week's edition is focused on more family friendly Halloween trivia. Perhaps there will be some surprises as well. Will any panelists join us in costume?


Saturday! / October 24, 2020 / 6-9PM
Junko will be presenting a series of new paintings based on food. This will be her 3rd exhibition devoted to all things delectable and celebrating specific delights through her unique fantastical esthetic.

Saturday, October 24
A full day of frights, fandom, and fun is coming to a screen near YOU! Gather with fans from all around the world to celebrate the talented casts and crews of your favorite shows with a day of virtual panels, Q & A's, private meet-and-greets, and more!
The Antenna
On VOD or found on Virtual cinemas

In a dystopian Turkey, the Government installs new networks throughout the country to monitor information.

The installation goes wrong in a crumbling apartment complex and Mehmet (Ihsan Önal), the building attendant, will have to confront the evil entity behind the inexplicable transmissions that threaten the residents.