Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ghost Stories: You Should Be Watching


Every year we try to remind our readers that there is a perfect anime for Halloween. The essential super dirty dub of Ghost Stories. A dream of now defunct ADV, voice actors were allowed to dub, what was a kid's anime, to be some of the most f'd up lines in anime. This 20 episode series let the voice talent set the mood saying things middle school students have no right to talk about. Their foul mouths make each ghost story a ridiculous naughty mess.

These rude little ghost busters are made up of: Satsuki, the pony-tailed little girl who inherited her mother's magic book that banishes ghosts. Her little, not safe to say anymore, retarded little brother Keiichirou. Hajime, the perv. Momoko, the Jesus freak. And Leo the Jew, paranormal nerd. They will sh*t on each other, the ghosts and for some reason some actor called Christian Slater. Oh, and there possessed talking cat, Amanojaku hates them. Why? Because the voice cast could pretty much do what they wanted. Something unheard of today when it comes to Japan and it's anime rights.

Every episode we get a new ghost, a new dilemma and multiple insults that would have given them a MA rating if it were to ever air on television. We love these dumb kids. Please, enjoy some scary ghosts and truly vulgar jokes just in time for Halloween. And listen to the original ending theme perfect for the new dub Cascade's Sexy Sexy. Why would that go on the end of a kid's show in Japan? Who knows, but it works for the dub.

You can catch the series streaming on both VRV and Crunchyroll for free it's just comes with ads or you can pay for premium to make them go away.