Monday, July 13, 2020

Close Enough Is So LA

The new cartoon from the guy who gave us the Regular Show is out on HBO Max. It's for adults and teenagers, not families. It centers around a couple with a young daughter who live in a complex with their divorced-from-each-other friends and their leasing from a retired, former cop, elderly woman whose son lives with her. And crazy antics ensue.

It's totally watchable, but in my opinion out of order. To kind of get to know the cast you should watch the last episode first. Watch the whole thing backwards, because introductions and sense of family are kind of not there from the start.

The funny thing is the total sense of being in LA from the show. It definitely part of what unfolds in episodes and there's plenty of places any LA local would recognize. So, be on the look out.

Also, some people online got some cool press kits for the show. Except, the last guy below seemed to suffer a mental breakdown shortly after getting it. So, maybe the kits are cursed or something weird.