Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Tower Like Die Hard But Dumber For Christmas

If you're looking for a Christmas movie, but want something like Die Hard, but not Die Hard from people who don't understand how movies work you've got to see The Tower. This Christmas in the background film stars a huge cast that die horribly as an accident causes the largest building in South Korea to burn on Christmas Eve. They're are a number of action movies plot tropes and holes in this disaster epic. That's more fun to watch as a comedy than in anyway taken seriously.

The Tower
On Amazon for streaming or in the iTunes store.

Here's the thing about a lot of mainstream Chinese, Japanese and in our case Korean films, they're  terrible. And it's because of their plots and them trying to copy American style action movies. The Tower is the most perfect example of this as it fails on almost every level with it's cheeziness even with millions of dollars in CGI. There are just so many things that don't make sense as to why, just why things happen in the film. Or the explanation is just stupid. And that's what makes it so much fun to watch.

It just happens to take place on Christmas like Die Hard and with Christmas all around it, it makes it a Christmas movie. Perfect to watch with friends, but still horribly violent at some points as people die in extremely inventive ways. Because Korea is dealing with a lot or they're just coping disaster films.