Thursday, November 21, 2019

Just another couple points about DCon

Here's just a few more little bits on Dcon taking place this weekend.

-Beyond Eden, Will Present the Best Galleries From the Lowbrow, New Contemporary, Pop Surrealist & Outsider Art Movements To An Audience Ready to Collect.

Now, for the first time ever, the convention will have a traditional art space dedicated to the lowbrow, pop surrealist and outsider art movements that flourished in Southern California. On the heels of Littletopia that drew crowds at the LA Art Show, Beyond Eden is spearheaded by Thinkspace Projects founder Andrew Hosner, as a way to connect DesignerCon attendees directly to the larger art world. Many artists who are prominent in the designer toy realm also have thriving fine art careers. Most notable at the moment is KAWS, who is best known for his OriginalFake series of vinyl toys, but recently made a $14 million sale of one of his museum-quality artworks.