Thursday, August 1, 2019

Game Hype: Push The Button, River City Girls Stomp To Life & The Dark Pictures Anthology - Man of Medan

Jackbox Party Pack 6 just revealed the third game in the pack, "Push The Button." This seems to be the new drawing game or maybe they'll have two this time. Essentially you and your friends are on a spaceship and one or more of you is an alien. You have to figure whose who by drawing prompts. Aliens will be told to draw something else, but if everyone draws bad, that alien might take over. Those who the group deem aliens will be put in the airlock, where you will, "Push The Button."

via Jackbox Games

We're really looking forward to River City Girls and all the little details in the game that the Lead Animator Kay keeps sharing with us. Like bringing back your dead partner by stomping them back to life. River City Girls is out onNintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC Sept. 5.

-An online co-op game from the makers of Until Dawn is called The Dark Pictures Anthology - Man of Medan, which is just an awful name for a game. It's gonna be an anthology series and we get the title will connect to the story, but that name is just forgettable and hard to remember. We already want to play it with friends in other states or try the up to 5 people local mode, but it's gonna be a pain to say that title to get anyone to play. It's a turn off name. It needs a better one, maybe Until We Name This Better but, until then, try and remember a horror game is coming out soon. It's out August 30th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PCs via STEAM.