Wednesday, May 8, 2019

dineL.A. Burger Trek Is Really Just A Burger List

By Jonathan Bilski

I'm not sure if someone messed up in marketing or they don't understand the difference between what a trek or a list is, they just screwed that up. So, dineL.A. made a very nice list of burger places to check around LA, it even gives details on if it's cash only or fake meat. I only disagree with Shake Shack being on it, other than that, it's a good list of pricey and cheap places to get America's favorite, the hamburger.

It's not an adventure, nor a mission and simply not a trek, because there's nothing to gain or show that you've done it. There's no stamp card, no pins, badges or T-shirt or even some online version of that. It doesn't make sense why it's call a burger trek or that it started? How does it end? It's such a weird thing to do, and I mean name it a trek, because when I've explained it to people they always asked me about the goal or what you get or any sort of thing that would make it fun.

Honestly, the cute PDF file could have been made to be printable, so you could check it with a pen or some sort of digital version check list to push on your phone or tablet. It's like an Xbox game without Achievements being unlocked.

Call it a guide or a list, but it ain't no trek.