Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Small Dog Escalator Safety Signs Are Common Here

Do we wish we did this post on April Fool's Day? Yes, but truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Here in LA we have small signs warning people to just not even attempt bringing their tiny dogs onto escalators. It's something so LA, that yes, it should be on a shirt. It's also stupid. So, stupid that we really wonder why they need the signs, but it's LA.

At the same time, whose the artist and where are these signs bought? And a number of questions.

One being, how often do tiny dogs get stuck in escalators? The last incident in LA; we found on a simple search was February 2018 at LAX.

Are people dumb who let their dogs ride on escalators, yes. That's why we have signs for it here.

And than the those writing this sighed. 

As of writing this we've seen these on escalators at the Century City Mall and at The Grove. But they're in general, spotted at many malls in the LA area.