Thursday, March 21, 2019

Butterfly Pavilion Open Now

Though, we kind of got our fill of those colorful creatures over the last couple days you can see a lot more variety at Butterfly Pavilion that's part of the Natural History Museum.

Butterfly Pavilion
Now-Sept 2
Natural History Museum
900 W Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90007
$18 includes admission to NHM

"The Butterfly Pavilion showcases hundreds of butterflies and the plants that surround them, an interaction that has been refined over the course of millions of years. See up close how butterflies use their tubular mouthparts to obtain nectar and witness caterpillars feed on leaves and go through the process of their transformation into adults. Various butterflies are present at different points during the season and the plants will grow and change. This means that each visit to the Butterfly Pavilion can be a different experience!

"Some butterflies in the exhibit mate and lay eggs, however we regularly fill the pavilion with butterflies from all across the United States.
  • 20 species of California natives such as the queen butterfly, mourning cloak, and buckeye
  • 10 species of subtropical varieties from south Florida and Texas, such as the malachite and the grey cracker."