Monday, October 22, 2018

Señor Plummer’s Final Fiesta Like Inception But Fun

By Jonathan Bilski

Did I just come out of a Disney musical? Wait, what just happened? I-I-I just experienced my own special made-for-TV lesson? I thought I was going to an artsy Halloween haunt like last year with a new theme from the same people, Rogue Artists Ensemble. Those very people, went in a completely different direction from Japanese horror folk tales come to life. I'm telling you right now this isn't a haunt and really more of a fiesta and edutainment experience as we learned the history of Los Angeles through the life of Señor Plummer. I'm not knocking it, but I didn't expect it. For a night of what I thought would be jump scares and evil looking giant puppets became a shark singing songs to me and that was pretty funny.

*Just a quick note, Rogue Artists Ensemble, you've got to have better signage and instructions on where to go in the park. There's a lot of buildings and entrances. Please, give better instructions on your site on where to go. Readers, go to the Great Hall and Main Hall in the center of the park. Look for signs for Rogue Artists Ensemble to check into the box office.

Some Spoilers

All photos by Chelsea Sutton
In a cozy cute part of West Hollywood lies Plummer Park and a story that comes to life through an old man. Señor Plummer, a 90-year-old man, also a giant puppet. He's out tonight to talk at a book signing...that takes place in 1942. Yeah, it's already gonna get convoluted. The book is stories about his life and he wants to share them with us... so much so we get pulled back in time to his memories.

Now you might be saying, "What's going on Jonathan?" If you remembered my name from the top of this page or I was directly telling you in person.

*You don't have to, but we suggest where time travel clothes, dress for California late 1800's into early 1900's. Top hats, appropriate.

Yes, you travel back in time to different memories from Señor Plummer's life. There's some dark ones, one very much like a haunt, but that's only a part of it. And some bright ones that involve dance routines and musical numbers.

When the first musical number started happening. Yes, there's more than one. It is crazy. Or at least it was for me. I love you Land Shark, I know you're evil, but I love your songs. And that you're some guy wearing a shark head. All the songs tie into stories about Plummer's life that involves decades of LA's history.

You"ll learn about Plummer and LA as you become part of the memories. Memories that have easy access to purchasable liquor. I mean, the first song I heard started in a bar. So, while you're traveling through memories, don't forget you can have a little wine.

The memories can be musicals, interactive plays or for the nightmare, a mini haunt, with some dark connotations on the racism that immigrants have dealt with here. While you're singing or clapping along or part of a jury you'll be having a fun time, but realize that there was some very bad racism tied to the history of the city. Yet, it's done in such a way that it's not a boring lesson you might have read in school. It just flows to another topic. There's a constant movement.

You are separated into smaller groups and go down different paths. I'm not sure I went to every memory. You may have a different experience from someone else on the same night.

Hats off to all the actors who do this. They each have their own charm to keep us entertained by either telling us a story or by starting to sing one. My favorites had to be the bad guys. Who can say no to the Land Shark or the evil rich white man trying to buy up all the land. That evil rich guy, just made me laugh with everything coming out of his mouth being a joke or not okay to say. "Oh, you can read and write and your a girl," not okay to say. But that's who is, a joke now.

One minute you could be watching Plummer fall in love, the next a horse race. It just keeps changing to another point and time. You're shifting memories and it's just like going to another act in a play or the next scene after a commercial break.

This is truly an experience on it's own that's a crazy evening for you and friends to learn a little about LA and be in your own sort of animated Disney movie musical. It just happens to be going on during October, so not a haunt, but, well worth it to experience it.

Señor Plummer’s Final Fiesta
Performances: October 19 – November 18, 2018
Monday, November 5 at 7:30 p.m. – Pay What You Can special performance
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.: October 18 (preview), 25; November 1, 8, 15

Fridays at 7:30 p.m.: October 12 (preview), 19 (opening night), 26, November 2, 9, 16
Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.: October 13 (preview), 20, November 3, 10, 17
Sundays at 7:30 p.m.: October 14 (preview), 21, 28; November 4, 11, 18
Plummer Park
7377 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
$35 previews; $45 preview with 2 drinks
$45 general admission; $55 with 2 drinks
PARKING:  Plummer Park parking lots, it has two, read the signs for time limit