Tuesday, October 30, 2018

AFI Fest 2018 Tickets Out Today

Get free tickets to a killer selection of films for free for this year's AFI Fest. AFI  Fest takes place Nov 8-15 in multiple locations around Hollywood.

You might wanna try for SHOPLIFTERS (MANBIKI KAZOKU).

It won the Palme d'Or at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. It's about a family of grifters and con artists who take in another kid who might just be missing.

As always, you can't go wrong with the strange and scary of the midnight selection.

KNIFE+HEART  might be a mind-blowing horror hit or just really f&*ked up. The setting of the gay porn industry in 1970's Paris with the synopsis telling us of a murder weapon being a "switchblade dildo" has us wondering how weird it"ll get. So French.

Oh, and Yorgos Lanthimos has a new weird one for us, The Favourite.

We have Under the Sliver Lake from It Follows director David Robert Mitchell and it's a neo-noir film set in LA.