Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Portal: LA Film Festival Tries VR

The LA Film Festival is really pushing the medium of VR this year. Though, not at any of the theater locations, you will have two days to experience a selection of VR. Dubbed "The Portal," you'll be able to get funky in virtual reality for free in a number of different scenarios. They do want you to schedule when you"ll be there, so use the link below for which VR treatment you wanna try.

You can check out the scenarios here. We're seeing a lot of artsy ideas and being in different time periods, but not of love for the love of gaming. So learning about racism in VR, but not being subtle. So, be prepared for idea more than this being for gaming.

The Portal
September 22-23
Loyola Marymount University School of Film and Television,Playa Vista, CA.