Tuesday, July 10, 2018

LA Links: Warner Bros. Tram to Hollywood Sign, Electric Scooters Taking Over & Recycling

-Warner Bros. wants to build a tram to the Hollywood sign? It"ll cost them $100-million it seems and they really want to do it. I'm not sure why WB is trying to get into the racket of operating a tram since they're a movie studio.

You can check out the details from the LA Times. It's kind of strange after there were talks of a tram to Dodger Stadium recently.

-LA Downtown News is warning about having to deal with a huge amount of electric scooters taking over downtown. It looks like a proposed ban on them is out the window and there's not any laws in place to stop them.

-LA Times is saying the recycling businesses isn't doing so well in LA and that were putting the wrong stuff in the blue bins. Looks like we might have to make a law saying that plastic bottles sold in California need to come from recycled plastic to maybe restart the system of getting more bang for your used bottles.