Monday, July 9, 2018

Ant-Man and the Wasp in ScreenX Koreatown

by Jonathan Bilski

The quantum realm was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. I mean those tardigrade are cute from a distance, up close, no, no. Over the Fourth of July holiday, a member of the TTDILA crew and myself experienced ScreenX for Ant-Man and the Wasp. We traveled to the super trippy universe within our universe, the quantum realm, which was made even more trippy, by the two added screens via ScreenX at CGV Cinemas in Koreatown.

We've advocated for TTDILA readers to try it out before and even give updates when we spot a showing in the new format of ScreenX.  It gives a 270-degree experience to the viewer by adding two more projectors on the right and left side of the theater. Immersing you in the action. We were offered a chance again to try out the format from CGV Cinemas PR and had to with Ant-Man and the Wasp in theaters.

We won't be reviewing the movie, but more of the experience itself, but the film is a crowd-pleaser for the summer and a perfect first trip into trying out ScreenX. With ScreenX action scenes like fights and car chases in the film had us zip around with the action, it puts you more in the moment. You feel like your more in the scene. When Ant-Man and Wasp were trying to get something back from bad guys you were with them beating them up, shrinking down and driving for your life.

This was a lot of fun when we traveled to another place called the quantum realm with backgrounds that make you think your totally in an alien environment. We got to shrink down with other characters and have more a sense of traveling though the cosmic landscape thanks to the views taking us in.

Now, you may argue what about the scenes where their isn't action. Good question! The 270-degree view isn't always happening. It's around for scenes to immerse you, but if nothing is happening or it's just people talking it goes away. Letting you just enjoy people having a conversation or cracking jokes.

As I've written before, you should at least try it once, just to see it for yourself. And with the summer heat it seems like a fine time to cool off inside an ice cold theater and try it.

Check out CGV Cinemas in Koreatown and Buena Park
ScreenX Screenings of Ant-Man and the Wasp