Friday, May 25, 2018

The Empire Strips Back: A Burlesque Parody Jun 1

While everyone is out enjoying Solo: A Cash Grab, why not check out The Empire Strips Back: A Burlesque Parody. It's a cash grab, but it looks like to be a really well done one. We're not talking about our usual movie themed strip shows here in LA in the back of a bar. We're talking about a fully realized show.

Here's part of their synopsis:
For the many that missed out on previous tours be prepared for some seriously sexy Stormtroopers, a dangerously seductive Boba Fett, some tantalising Twi'leks, a delightfully luke-warm Taun Taun, a lady-like Skywalker, the Droids you are looking for and much, much more!

The Empire Strips Back: A Burlesque Parody
Friday, June 1, 8pm
The Theatre at Ace Hotel