Tuesday, January 2, 2018

You Must Be 18 Or Older To Enter Removed Unfairly By Steam

We covered the game way back in 2016 as part of IndieCade and now it's banned from Steam. We're writing about You Must Be 18 Or Older To Enter, which you can still easily get online here. The game has you trying to find out about porn on the early Internet. It's more of an experience simulator of what many people did before you could just type in porn to Google and get a million images. You're not really seeing clear-cut dirty pictures, they're in a pretty ugly format, you're really fighting the idea of getting caught and dealing with spam. It's a fun little romp for 90's kids.

With all the other much more violent and sexy titles on Steam it's ban seems ridiculous. But, somehow Steam's strange system flagged it and banned it.

We hope it can get reinstated one day as it's more of just simulator with as much gratuity as an R-rated movie with blurry images.

via Waypoint