Thursday, November 30, 2017

LA Weekly Questions Who Owns It After Layoffs

LA's media landscape isn't doing to well going into 2018 as LA Weekly just asked the meta question, "Who Owns L.A. Weekly?" After a major round of layoffs most of LA Weekly's editorial staff has been let go after a new company, Semanal Media, recently bought it. The company was created to just buy LA Weekly, but as the article asking about it asks, it's unsure about what exactly Semanal Media's plan are.

The LA Times reports that the staff that was let go found it quite sudden and with no real time to transition. The staff leaving will simply leave whatever articles they were working on for the new hires, if there are new hires.

That is a question now placed by former staff and LA Weekly readers, what is going to happen to LA Weekly? As of right now, Semanal Media hasn't announced any plans or details about what LA Weekly's future is.

This is in the media landscape where LAist was recently gotten rid of, the LA Times had major shake-ups with staff and LA Magazine's also had a major shake-up.